We’re here to assist you in every way we can.
Let us take some of the stress and cost out of your move.
Rather than needing to find your own estate agent, we can cover the cost of selling your current home by providing the services of our own preferred agent. This means we can make sure your current home is sold as quickly as possible, helping you to move into your dream new William Davis home sooner.
Our Assisted Move scheme takes some of the stress and cost out of selling your old property, helping make your move a reality.
Why choose Assisted Move?
Free valuation on your current property
Expert help to get your home sold
No advertising costs or estate agent’s fees*
At a glance:
We’ll take all the hassle out of selling your old home, so you can concentrate on moving into your new one.
How it works
Find a home
Choose your William Davis home and let your sales adviser know you’re ready to buy.
We’ll appoint an estate agent to undertake an independent valuation of your home.
Expert help
Based on that valuation, we’ll agree on a price and our team of experts will put together a plan to get your old home sold and you moving.
We’ll pay your costs
Once your home is sold, we’ll pay all of your estate agent fees and advertising costs.*
Moving day
You move into your brand new home.
Want to know more?
If you’d like to find out more about Assisted Move, call us to chat, or arrange a viewing to talk through it all face to face with one of our expert sales consultants.